Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2nd Post Op Day
Every day my vision has improved. My visual acuity is a clean 20/40 and sharpening every day. I have improved one line since yesterday. I could function to drive, and read most print if my operative eye was the only one I had. The most aggravating visual disturbance is the lateral "shadow" that I mentioned yesterday. That interfered with my vision significantly yesterday and early today. Now it is basically gone. We, ophthalmologists, are not sure exactly what causes this. A minority of patients have mentioned this symptom before, and I have always assured them that it will fade with time. Indeed, it seems to have faded with me, and it has been my experience that it fades in all my patients. The other visual abnormality I experienced today occurred when viewing the retina with my new eye. At a specific distance in front of the cornea I could see a reflection that looked like a small "placedo" disc. For non eye doctors, a series of concentric rings. When I moved my instrument even 2-3 mm forward the rings disappeared. It would not interfere clinically. Testing my vision with a microscope revealed no problems what-so-ever. Since the microscope oculars can be focused individually, I dialed my refraction into the R ocular. There were no concentric rings, no glare, and the focus was excellent. I anticipate no problems having a full clinical schedule tomorrow, Wed., and operating on Friday.

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