Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vision 20/25+ getting better every day. (Plano +50 X 145 today)......sharpens everything up. I am surprised how such little astigmatism gets in the way. On the other hand, it may just be my monocular (using one eye) vision.
Getting prepped for my second eye on Monday. Had to start using my antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops. To do so, I had to take my R CTL out, and leave it out. A big pain, to say the least. I can use my old glasses for my right eye, but then everything is blurred in my Left. Or just not wear my glasses and use my new, Left eye....which I can do, but I am Right eye dominant so that doesn't work well. One other alternative; take the L lens out of my old glasses. Well, at least for me, that is the worst alternative. Double vision, big time. When I finally get my vision together, then my R eye develops accomodative spasm. (for non doctors, an involuntary focus) Bottom line, there is no best answer, and I will just have to muddle thru. Boy! Have I developed some healthy empathy for my patients. Of course, the majority of my cataract patients do not have the immediate need for near perfect vision that I require. Time for more drops......Later.

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